Design and construction of a kindergarten in the Moscow region
Children are born in the Moscow region.
Most of these children are sweet and spontaneous, they delight the eyes with a blooming look, lively thought processes
and inspire optimism about the fate of mankind, which our generation is trying in every possible way to put in the outhouse. {{{
1}} These lovely children are born abundantly, and there are not enough places in kindergartens for everyone.
The design and construction of one full-fledged kindergarten in the Moscow region is a plot with a three-stroke structure, which always lasts for more than one year. {{1} } There is simply no earth; and the one that is, is often unsuitable for design.
Construction is expensive (worst of all, as the classic said, it is often suddenly expensive).
A mountain of problems that pile up in the course of design / sale by 44 -FZ / implementation, very soon grows above Chomolungma,
and you need to take your child to the garden not in three years, but tomorrow.
Being an experienced person and realizing that September will inevitably come, but a miracle will not,
Governor Andrei Vorobyov began to look for a quick solution to the problem, such a solution, which, at first glance, does not have.
And, as always happens when Moscow is behind and there is nowhere to retreat, he did find it. {{1} } This solution is called “Project” mini-gardens “.
They are made on the first floors of residential and non-residential buildings with a separate entrance.
The term of such a project
ab ovo usque ad mala is reduced to six months, and if you beat the builders with batogs, do not let them sleep and do not allow the red ball gag to be taken out of their mouths, then up to three.
In 2021, in the regional pilot the project of creating mini-gardens included nine municipalities, among which was the Leninsky District.
And of the four kindergartens planned for implementation in the Leninsky District, thanks to the efficient work of my tender department, three fell on our neck.
mid-June we went to work and yesterday, together with the administration, we cut ribbons in all three.
… construction is definitely hell, but as it was said, there is good company in this hell.
Most of these children are sweet and spontaneous, they delight the eyes with a blooming look, lively thought processes
and inspire optimism about the fate of mankind, which our generation is trying in every possible way to put in the outhouse. {{{
1}} These lovely children are born abundantly, and there are not enough places in kindergartens for everyone.
The design and construction of one full-fledged kindergarten in the Moscow region is a plot with a three-stroke structure, which always lasts for more than one year. {{1} } There is simply no earth; and the one that is, is often unsuitable for design.
Construction is expensive (worst of all, as the classic said, it is often suddenly expensive).
A mountain of problems that pile up in the course of design / sale by 44 -FZ / implementation, very soon grows above Chomolungma,
and you need to take your child to the garden not in three years, but tomorrow.
Being an experienced person and realizing that September will inevitably come, but a miracle will not,
Governor Andrei Vorobyov began to look for a quick solution to the problem, such a solution, which, at first glance, does not have.
And, as always happens when Moscow is behind and there is nowhere to retreat, he did find it. {{1} } This solution is called “Project” mini-gardens “.
They are made on the first floors of residential and non-residential buildings with a separate entrance.
The term of such a project
ab ovo usque ad mala is reduced to six months, and if you beat the builders with batogs, do not let them sleep and do not allow the red ball gag to be taken out of their mouths, then up to three.
In 2021, in the regional pilot the project of creating mini-gardens included nine municipalities, among which was the Leninsky District.
And of the four kindergartens planned for implementation in the Leninsky District, thanks to the efficient work of my tender department, three fell on our neck.
mid-June we went to work and yesterday, together with the administration, we cut ribbons in all three.
… construction is definitely hell, but as it was said, there is good company in this hell.